Alberta CARE Board of Directors

Glen Finstad - Chair
Glen Finstad was first elected to serve on the Leduc City Council in 2010 and is currently serving his fourth term. In addition to his role with Alberta CARE, Glen is a Director of the Leduc and District Regional Waste Management Commission and member and Past Chair of the Edmonton Regional Waste Advisory Committee.

Brad Ollen - Vice Chairman
Brad Ollen is the Manager of Waste Services for the M.D. of Bonnyville. The M.D. serves nearly 12,000 residents with solid waste and recycling services in the Lakeland region of Northeastern Alberta, surrounding the Town of Bonnyville and the City of Cold Lake. The M.D. offers its residents services via curbside waste collection.

Janet Altmiks - Treasurer
Janet Altmiks worked for the Alberta Plastics Recycling Association for twenty years before starting her own business. During her twenty years in the recycling industry, she attended Northern/Alberta CARE meetings as a member representing APRA.

Ray Juska - Secretary
Ray Juska is Manager for the Newell Regional Solid Waste Management Authority which operates a Regional Landfill and five transfer stations serving the residents of the County of Newell. Ray's background is with Chemical Technology.

Art Sawatzy - Director
Art Sawatzy is the General Manager of the Peace Regional Waste Management Company (PRWMC) located near beautiful Peace River in Northern Alberta.

Rob Smith - Director
Rob Smith is the Manager / CAO of the Athabasca Regional Waste Management Services Commission. Rob is a strong regional leader who has over 16 years of experience as Manager of the Waste Commission.

Scott Klassen - Director
Scott Klassen Scott Klassen is the Deputy Reeve of Wheatland County. Scott co-owns a trucking firm in the Town of Strathmore, AB.

Dick Ellis - Director
Dick Ellis is the General Manager of the Vulcan & District Waste Commission. Dick is a Council member of the Village of Champion, Alberta. Dick has been a long term Director of SWANA Northern Chapter and International SWANA.

Reid Williams - Director
Reid Williams is the Manager of Solid Waste and Recycling Services, in Clearwater County and has been in that role for approximately three years.

Robert Savidan- Director
Robert Savidan began his career in the solid waste industry in 1999 working as a residential curbside collector. He moved into landfill operations in 2003 at the Aquatera landfill transfer station.